The worldwide support network for non-religious chaplains

What is a humanist chaplain?

Humanism is the belief that you can lead a good life without god. It is the belief that we only have one life and that we should make the most of it, for ourselves and for our fellow human beings. Humanists make sense of the world by means of reason and evidence while rejecting superstition. Humanists have a positive outlook on life, guided by rational thought and focus on the importance of human cooperation and compassion for solving problems.

A Humanist Chaplain provides pastoral care based on Humanist principles. The Humanist Chaplain gives information, advice, and consultation about existential questions.

What is a humanist chaplain for?

Typically, a Humanist Chaplain works within an organisation, and within that organisation provides a Humanist perspective for those who want it. That can be anybody who just wants a friendly chat, education about Humanism, or discuss more difficult issues.

We believe that a Humanist Chaplain can increase the well being of individuals, but we would like to stress that a Humanist Chaplain - or any chaplain for that matter - are not health care professionals or professional counsellors. If you require counselling or help with mental health issues you should contact a health professional.

Our history

Gijsbert Stoet The Humanist Chaplaincy Network was founded in 2010 and initially coordinated by Dr. Gijsbert Stoet who was serving as the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Leeds.

Dr. Stoet received his summa cum laude doctoral degree in Psychology at the Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-University, was awarded the prestigious Otto-Hahn Medal for his work, and has published numerous articles about his research in psychology and neuroscience. He previously served as a member of the Chaplaincy Working Group of the British Humanist Association.

Dr. Stoet has since stepped down from coordinating the network and now works as a Professor of Psychology at the University of Essex. The network is now coordinated by Chris Worfolk. Chris previously founded the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist & Secular Student Societies and is treasurer of West Yorkshire Humanists.